Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Letting go is HARD to do!

Letting go is HARD to do!

Loving someone who doesn't love you back can definitely leave you feeling defeated and inadequate! You start second guessing yourself and wondering if you're even worthy of being loved in the first place. You have to believe deep down in the depths of your soul that you are worthy, it's not your fault, and yes you will find someone worth your time and the effort that you are willing to put into a successful relationship! You have to allow yourself a very short grieving period, or as I like to refer to it, a self pity party! Take a few days to reflect on the love that you thought that you had, remember all of the times that you were hurt, let down, and sad. Don't call or text him/her as hard as that may be, this is by far the most important part of your healing process. Then get rid of everything that he/she ever gave to you. The box of momentos, the teddy bears, jewelry, cd's, dvd's, etc., pawn the jewelry and throw out the rest. Next avoid memory triggers. If your former love is associated with a particular song or album, stop listening to it, throw it out or put it away until it stops reminding you of that person. If you still see your ex on a regular basis, limit all contact that the two of you will have! Find something else to focus on, divert your attention elsewhere. When you find yourself taking a stroll down memory lane watch a movie, find a new hobby, or plan a night out with friends. Never ever never say that you cannot live without them, don't even think it. If you have ever loved before then you know how that belief will change in due time. If this is the first time that you have loved and lost you will soon find out that when things aren't meant to be, relationships come and they go! Think of everything that you've been missing out on while you were stressing over someone who didn't give a second thought about letting go of you! Think of the missed opportunities that you could have had with someone who was relationship material. Remember the love that you deserve is still out there. Last but not least, Don't be ashamed of having loved and lost! Get back on the dating scene and make your presence known. Meet new people, make new more meaningful connections. Surround yourself with mature like minded individuals. Flirt, get out of your comfort zone, and remind yourself how great of a catch you truly are. Never let someone else diminish the image that you have of yourself, don't allow anyone to steal your joy. Leave low self esteem behind and embrace the new more confident you.

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